In recent decades, there has been a sharp rise in natural and technological disasters around the world, with massive human injuries. In such complex and unexpected situations, one should primarily react by relying on one’s own abilities and knowledge. The practice of conducting rescue procedures shows that about 2/3 of deaths caused by various injuries and some acute conditions could have been avoided if the victims had been provided with first aid in a timely and professional manner.
An accident is a serious, life-threatening situation, which can be the result of injuries, poisoning, burns or acute illness, and which requires rapid action:
First aid is a set of basic measures and procedures that are taken in the shortest possible time, with the aim of saving the life of a suddenly injured / sick person, before the arrival of the ambulance team or other qualified person. First aid at the scene of the accident is provided by a trained person who is on the spot next to the injured / sick person, i.e the rescuer. The rescuer provides first aid with standard, manual or improvised means until the arrival of trained health workers.
The expertise of the rescuer influences the course of the rescue, ensuring prompt intervention of the Emergency Medical Service and the success of the rescue.
The main goals of first aid are:
>> elimination of causes that directly endanger the life of the injured / ill person;
> saving human life;
> caring for an injured / sick person.
The most important tasks of first aid are:
> saving the life of an injured person by applying standardized procedures and principles;
> preventing further deterioration of the injured person;
> correct and accurate transmission of important information to the dispatch center of the Emergency Medical Service about the injured person;
> monitoring indicators of vital functions until the arrival of the Emergency Medical Service;
> preparing the injured person for transport (eg immobilization) if Emergency medical care is not available.
The importance of first aid is manifested in saving the life of the injured person, preventing his additional injury, reducing pain and emotional suffering, as well as in the rescuer’s ability to react in case of accidents (especially mass) until the ambulance arrives.
Every health worker is obliged to be the first to professionally help the injured person on the spot. Proper first aid at the scene of an accident is often crucial for the survival of the injured person.
Every health worker is obliged to be the first to professionally help the injured person on the spot. Proper first aid at the scene of an accident is often crucial for the survival of the injured person.